Manage Your Business
with Loxone

Intelligent access system – Loxone offers modern and reliable solutions integrated with our NiceWorkTime time and attendance recorder. With our product you will be able to simultaneously manage building access and time records.

A problem with building access management and employee time monitoring? We have the solution!

Welcome to a world without keys. The Loxone access system provides simple management and convenience in daily use, and is integrated with our time and attendance register. With this functionality, you can control both building access and employee working hours in one integrated system. It is flexibly scalable and offers maximum security – keep the doors of your home and business on the other side of the world under control, while monitoring working hours.

Building access

Implementing a keyless entry solution using the NFC Code Touch keypad provides convenience and secure access via codes or encrypted NFC tags. The system is directly integrated with our time and attendance register, allowing simultaneous management of access and time records. As a result, every time you enter and leave the building is automatically recorded, eliminating the need for separate time and attendance systems.

Say goodbye to keys. You’ll never have to worry about losing or replacing them again.

Advanced management of users and access privileges

The system enables comprehensive management of user permissions and access accessories without relying on the cloud. You can create time-limited accesses and intuitively assign tags and NFC codes to users in the app, with full synchronization with time records. Access rights can be synchronized for different locations, ensuring consistency in access and time management across the organization. With integration with the time and attendance register, you have full visibility into employee hours and attendance in real time.

Benefits of integration with time and attendance records

1. Automation and time savings

Every time you enter and leave the building, your activity is automatically recorded, reducing the workload associated with manual timekeeping

2. Efficiency and accuracy

Eliminate errors associated with manual data entry and ensure accurate time records.

3. Real-time insight

Ability to monitor employee attendance in real time, making it easier to manage human resources and schedule tasks.

4. Security

Enhanced security with the ability to assign individual access rights and track system events.

5. Comprehensive control

One integrated solution for access management and time and attendance records, simplifying administrative and operational processes.

Smart energy management for your business

Nowadays, effective energy management is crucial for any company. With Loxone’s solutions, you can not only monitor, but also optimize your company’s energy consumption, which translates into real savings and sustainability.

Control of energy consumption

Loxone products give you full control over your company's energy consumption. With advanced sensors and intelligent management systems, you can track energy consumption in real time, identify the most energy-intensive processes and make optimizations that will bring tangible financial benefits.

Utility control

Loxone offers comprehensive utility control solutions that allow you to automate and remotely manage your lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. This allows you to provide your employees with a comfortable working environment while minimizing operating costs.

Smart home
with Loxone

Loxone is a leading provider of smart home automation solutions, offering a wide range of products that enable comprehensive building management. Loxone’s range includes advanced systems for managing lighting, heating, air conditioning, as well as security and multimedia systems; the company also offers a wide range of products.

The centerpiece of each system is the Loxone Miniserver, which acts as the “brain” of the smart home, integrating all devices and ensuring their seamless cooperation. With Loxone’s mobile app, users can easily control all the functions of their home from anywhere in the world.

Loxone also offers smart switches, sensors, cameras and audio solutions that together create a cohesive ecosystem, enhancing the comfort and safety of residents. Loxone is the solution for those who want a modern, energy-efficient and fully automated home.

Loxone Intercom
Flexible access system

An access panel that provides an excellent view of building entrances. The combination of Intercom and NFC Code Touch offers advanced functions of doorbell, NFC reader and code keypad. Remote access to Intercom ensures that you will never miss a visitor or courier with a package again. You can connect with your visitor from your living room couch, from your office at the other end of town, or even from the beach on an exotic vacation.

In summary... Loxone is:

Modern systems

Loxone is a leader in intelligent building management systems. Loxone solutions are not only modern and reliable, but also easy to integrate into existing systems. When you choose Loxone, you are investing in the future of your business with efficient and sustainable energy management.

Smart building automation

Loxone products allow you to set up automatic scenarios that optimize energy consumption based on the time of day, employee presence or weather conditions. This allows you to control energy systems from anywhere using the Loxone mobile app and keep track of energy consumption in real time.

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